Mankind has been using bags for thousands of years, with cave paintings showing humans carrying satchels, and a 5,000-year-old bag with tools was even found in the possession of the Tyrolean Iceman. In hunting, gathering, war, and travel, the use of these bags has always been universal and we still use them today.
Everyone is different, so you can bring whatever best fits your lifestyle and location. EDC is typically placed either in your pockets or a high-quality bag or satchel. If you do decide to keep your gear on your person, make sure you wear pants that have multiple pockets and flaps to carry all of your items comfortably. The bags you can use are usually a shoulder bag, hip bag, fanny pack, backpack, rucksack, waist pack, or any other bag of your choice.
Having a bag for your everyday carry gives you more room for gear and keeps things more organized than if you were to keep it in your pockets. If you do decide to carry your things in a bag, you will want to make sure it has an assortment of compartments and pouches for the most organized storage. You will also have to be careful not to overpack, as this kit is supposed to be essentials only and not a bug-out bag or get-home bag.
The tools you have for your everyday carry are really important, and should be of high-quality and dual-purpose whenever possible. These items will need to fit into your bag or pockets, and be easily accessible. Common items for a prepared EDC are a phone, cash, pocket knife or multi-tool, compass, lighter, ferro-rod, water bottle, first-aid kit, and small amounts of cordage. If you want a full list of common EDC gear, check out our FREE EDC Bag Checklist. You can use these items or other ones that you know you will need, it is all up to you! Your every day carry can also change over time, just remember to use quality gear and customize your carry to support your lifestyle. The compactness of these items is essential to being prepared with a quality everyday carry.
Preparedness is something we should all practice to remain self-reliant, and with everyone being so busy nowadays, having an everyday carry can actually help your hectic schedule....after preparing it once, you can just grab your bag and go at a moment's notice.
Want to start practicing preparedness? Get our FREE EDC Bag Checklist here!
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