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SurvivorCord is our original patented MIL-STYLE paracord with three potentially life-saving internal strands added: Fishing line, waterproof fire-starter, and multi-purpose utility wire.

SurvivorCord XT is SurvivorCord...but better! Built for Bushcraft, this latest incarnation of our patented paracord upgrades the internal survival strands for better outdoor recreational utility.

Elastic ShockCord has 100% stretch, a tensile strength of ~100 LBS, and is ideal for creating bungee cords and securing or tethering items to your equipment or vehicles.

Looking for BULK cordage? This shortcut takes you to all of your favorite TITAN Survival cordage in 500 and 1,000 foot spools.

These accessories are specifically designed by us to either work well with SurvivorCord in crafts or projects, or are made from SurvivorCord and can be used in an emergency.

SurvivorCord is patented and guaranteed for life!

In an emergency, Fire can mean Life! Make sure you're prepared.

Essential survival gear, designed to protect you from the elements in emergencies.


[blogslidersmall][content]Sumo Panda Paracord Key Fob by TIAT Tying-It-All-Together (TIAT) has just released his latest paracord projects video:  How to Make a Sumo Panda Paracord Key Fob Kawaii, meaning “lovable” or “adorable” in Japanese, is the quality of cuteness in the context of culture. In Japan, Kawaii has become a scene, lending itself to movies, clothing, food, toys, and even personal appearances. [/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]Calling all Zombie Hunters – Titan Paracord is sponsoring “long13hair’s” latest contest. Feel free to SHARE and enter to win some great prizes…

The post Calling all Zombie Hunters appeared first on Titan Paracord.[/content][/blogslidersmall]

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[blogslidersmall][content]The Honda Knot is the loop knot most commonly used in a lasso. Its round shape, especially when tied in stiff rope, helps it slide freely along the rope it is tied around. To tie, first place an overhand knot in the end of the rope. Then tie a second overhand knot, pass the running end of the rope through it, and tighten.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Highwayman’s Hitch is a quick-release draw loop knot used for temporarily securing a rope that will need to be released easily and cleanly. The hitch can be untied with a tug of the working end. The line does not need to be pulled from around the object.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Half Knot is a a binding knot, used primarily as the first portion of the Square (or Reef) Knot. It is also one of those “need-to-know” knots that are essential in making almost every hemp or macrame pattern out there.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Half Hitch is a simple overhand knot, where the working end of a line is brought over and under the standing part. Insecure on its own, it is a valuable component of a wide variety of useful and reliable hitches, bends, and knots. Two successive half hitches tied around an object makes up the common clove hitch. Two successive half hitches tied around the standing part a rope is known as two-half-hitches or double half hitch.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Figure Eight Knot is a very important knot used in both sailing and rock climbing as a method of stopping ropes from running out of retaining devices. Like the overhand knot, which will jam under strain, often requiring the rope to be cut, the figure of eight will also jam, but is usually more easily undone than the overhand knot.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Double Fishermen’s Knot or grapevine knot is a bend, or a knot used to join two lengths of rope. This knot and the triple fisherman’s knot are the variations used most often in climbing, arboriculture, and search and rescue. The knot is formed by tying a double overhand knot, in its strangle knot form, with each end around the opposite line’s standing part.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Distel Hitch is a friction hitch knot used to attach a carabiner to a rope, allowing a climber to descend or ascend. The knot is similar to the prusik knot, however it grips the rope more consistently, making for increased climber control.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Constrictor Knot is one of the most effective binding knots. Simple and secure, it is a harsh knot that can be difficult or impossible to untie once tightened. It is made similarly to a clove hitch but with one end passed under the other, forming an overhand knot under a riding turn. The double constrictor knot is an even more robust variation that features two riding turns.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Clove Hitch is a type of knot. Along with the bowline and the sheet bend, it is often considered one of the most important knots and is commonly referred to as a Double Hitch. A clove hitch is two successive half-hitches around an object. It is most effectively used as a crossing knot. It can be used as a binding knot, but is not particularly secure in that role. A clove hitch made around the rope’s own standing part is known as either two half-hitches or buntline hitch, depending on whether the turns of the clove hitch progress away from or towards the hitched object.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
